Ola Care+ Exclusive - S1 Diagnostic Day

:wave:Hey Ola fam,

If you are an Ola Care+ subscriber, we have something exclusive for you.:index_pointing_at_the_viewer:

:motor_scooter:Bring your S1 to our service centre.
Get a comprehensive check-up of your scooter.

You can do all this without spending anything extra.
Thanks to your Ola Care+ subscription.

:date:See you on Sunday, 7th April.
:alarm_clock:From 10 am to 6 pm.
:round_pushpin: At one of these locations:point_right: https://www.olaelectric.com/find-sc

Tip - In case of issues viewing the locations on the map , open in Incognito mode .

Got other plans?
Don’t worry, you can get a comprehensive check-up of your S1 done in the future.

Click to Register → Ola Care+ Exclusive S1 Diagnostic Day - Register here Survey


Please post your queries , if any here.

Plz your service without it how one will get benefit of ola care +


Great move to sell ola care +


On Which service center in Pune it’s available?

Nigdi and Viman Nagar Service Centres. Please check in map