Charging your scooter

When to Charge your Scooter and Upto how much percent its to be charged?
Please provide tips for long battery life

Start to Charge your battery in between 21% - 25% and stop the charging in between 85% - 90% for long battery life.


Thank you @Pritam_Saha

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Thanks for the tip. Appreciate it.
In future, if Ola scooters can enhance the design by to have the batter charger integrated into the vehicle’s body itself, instead of being a separate part the we need to connect when charging, it would be great. This way we don’t need to remember to carry it when traveling long distances. We can simply pull the charging chord out of the scooter body, and plug it in to a power outlet.

@Srinivas_Pentavalli it is easy but they do a whole design