Hey Ola fam👋
Here’s a 1 in a 400,000 chance you don’t want to miss out!
Come watch our 400,000th Ola S1 being rolled out at the Futurefactory.
Here’s what we have planned for you!
You reach Ola Campus, Koramangala - 7:00 am
Start for Ola Future Factory - 8 am
Arrival at Future Factory - Noon (with breakfast break in between)
Factory Tour, 400,000th scooter celebration followed by lunch - 12-3:30 pm
Reach Ola Campus (return) - 6 pm
Please note that your travel from your home city to Bangalore and back will have to be taken care of by you.
You in? Fill our form to confirm your presence https://forms.gle/o4KmrFJgVTYE1A9J7