At what percetage of battery level S1 pro will change to eco mode?

In move os2, my s1 pro was changing to eco mode at 20%. I havent noticed such mode change in move os3 till 16%. Anyone have an idea?

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No, it’s wrong… When battery came down to 20% it’s shown ‘Battery low’ message on display and when it further came down to 15% then Ola automatically turns into Eco mode in Move_Os2.

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Eco mode has always been at 15% . At 20% it goes to normal.

Below 15% means OLA is not usable on typical kerala roads(medium hilly terrain). Kindly provide option to change mode in emergency conditions like uphill or please add more power for incline uphill capabilities. All other premium EV’s are capable to climb hill in eco mode. To my experience during below 15% in eco mode I faced worst experiences like pushing my ola in small uphills also.

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