Your exclusive invite for Ola’s flagship event - Sankalp 2024

Hey there Ola fam👋

This August 15, witness the future of India in the making.:india:At the ground zero of the electric revolution.:zap:
That’s right. We’re opening the doors of the Ola Futurefactory again :factory: . For you!:index_pointing_at_the_viewer:

Join us for Sankalp 2024 as we bring back the revolution. This time, bigger!

Witness ground-breaking advances in electric mobility🛵, cutting-edge consumer tech announcements📣, and revolutionary AI-driven solutions🤖.

And here’s where it gets special for our Ola Community

:point_right:Exclusive Ola Community tours of the Futurefactory and Gigafactory
:point_right:Meet and greet with our Founder, Bhavish Aggarwal
:point_right:Front-row seats to our latest launches and tech updates

All you have to do, is come to the :round_pushpin: Ola Campus, Bengaluru at 6am on 15th August:spiral_calendar:. The rest of your journey to and back from the Futurefactory is on us.

Excited? So are we!

Tap to register now :point_right:

For all updates and latest announcements, follow us on Twitter and Instagram :point_right: Ola Electric (@olaelectric) • Instagram photos and videos