Battery consumption is more in S1 in new move os . In early OS2 after I drive 50km than still remaining range was 60km. But now I drive 50km than remaining range is 45km. I want move os 1 or os 2. Coz I want range not features. I m happy with only lock and unlock features with Mobile or password.
I also need range feature . Other features are secondary
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My suggestion in ola move is 4 is to do work in battery management. Switch off option day light or if not possible just drl light should be open.
Otherwise make low beam light lesser consumption of energy.
Increase the limit of eeco mode upto speed of 50 kmph.
Correct the speedometer as it show false speed. At least 8 km more than actual.
Please do work on range increasing option. Maximum riders want range option with sppedd of 60 kmph rather than other options.
So provide them such options in move os 4.
Scooter mood sounds are irritating so provide some better sounds.