Manual switching to eco mode?

Anyone knows how to switch to eco mode? I have have observed that scooter switches to eco mode only when battery capacity drops below 15%. Is there manual switching to eco mode possible? How?

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Long press the mode button which is used to change mode. Eco will be activatee


Just press and hold mode change switch for two seconds…eco mode will come.


Long press at mode selection button


Press mode button for 10 sec

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Long press on mode change button

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Long press mode button it will change to eco mode

Long press mode change button to Chang to Eco mod

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Long press thunder key button

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I have tried normal, eco and sports modes in my S1pro and could obtain the true milage of 118 kms in Sports mode only. In this mode, you will get perfect throttle response without any lag.


Press and hold mode switch for 5second and it will switch to eco mode

long press mode :zap: button when scooter in not parked mode it will be eco only for that time drop not for permanent

@Gigu_Thomas does the motor or battery heat up while driving in sport mode for long time?

@Sangheeta I think I can answer this question as well. I’ve driven my S1 in sports mode for longer durations many times. It never gave me heating problems in city or highways. But, the few times it have me heating alerts and switched to normal mode was when I was riding in mountains. This is very frequent when I was riding in mountains with a pillion on board. It happened few times on my nainital ride.

But whenever it happens, either ride in normal mode afterwards or switch off the scooter, wait for 10-15 mins, start again and you are ready to go again in sports mode. On the positive side, it never happened with me in cities or plain highways even with a pillion. So as long as you will not be driving it on mountains regularly with a pillion, it should not pose a problem.

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Long press mode button to switch on eco mode

Hold the mode changing switch3 seconds, it will go to eco mode

@Deepak_Brijwasi thanks a lot for your reply, clears my doubt very well. So I think I should be completely fine using sport mode as my driving is completely within Chennai City roads

Changing the mode button - press it for some seconds it turns into eco. When u stop and start the scooter it will be in normal again u have to do same thing

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