It's Quiz time!

Think you know the MoveOS4 ? Take this quiz and find out ! Respond to every question to be eligible to win.

Edit : Find the answers to the Quiz in the comment section.

1. Which among the following is true for concert mode ?
  • Each scooter can be connected to different Wi-Fi
  • Only two scooters need to be connected to the same Wi-Fi
  • Except the host scooter all other scooters need to be connected to the same Wi-Fi
  • All scooters must be connected to the same Wi-Fi
0 voters
2. How many km do you need to ride to plant a tree (Care Mood)
  • 3000
  • 5000
  • 6000
0 voters
3. Maximum size of a document that can be uploaded to the scooter (Docs)
  • 3 MB
  • 5 MB
  • 6 MB
0 voters
4. You can set a % charge at which a notification will be sent to you during Hypercharging
  • True
  • False
0 voters
5. Which of the following features will be active while riding and does not need to be enabled?
  • Tamper detection
  • Hill Hold
  • Fall detection
0 voters

Here are the answers to the Quiz!

  1. All scooters need to be connected to the same Wi fi for concert mode
  2. You need to ride 6000 km to save CO2 equivalent to planting a tree and you can see it in Care Mood
  3. The maximum size of a document that can be uploaded on the scooter is 6 MB
  4. True , you can set a % charge at which you will get alert when you are using the Hypercharger
  5. Fall detection is automatically active and doesn’t need to be

How many did you get right ?


Congratulations to the following winners who got all the answers right !



Congratulations to all…