Hey Ola fam
The more people you refer to buy the Ola S1, the more benefits you get!
Get ₹1,000 for every successful referral. And a free 8-year/80,000km warranty on your 5th successful referral.
What’s in it for them?
Own the Ola S1 before 25th March and get assured price and FAME II subsidy benefits of up to ₹46,780**.
That means
Own the S1 Pro at ₹1,29,999
Own the S1 Air at ₹1,04,999
Own the S1 X+ at ₹84,999
Now that’s a steal deal!
Hurry! Tap to refer now
**Savings of ₹46,780 calculated for S1X+ as ₹25000 as discount, ₹16,780 as fame II subsidy and up to ₹5000 discount on select credit card EMI.
My 5 referrals successfully done but not 8 year bettery warranty activated
First give move os 4.0 to us. we are still waiting.
Please provide deliveries to booked vehicles it was taking 40 days time
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I have ola scooter s1 pro gen 2. Purchased aug-19-23, delivered on november 9, i have Sound problem in handle dhad dhad, and flap cover lock issue comes last 3 months, one one solved till now, how i refers others, charging stations are very rare, long drive not possible,
8 years warrenty is coming with scooter by default right?
Belt cover is too much bad quality my belt cover is breaked in normal breakers bad ola
How to claim as price is decreased what is processer to claim
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Havent got move os 4 update… Kindly revert wid it
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March 21, 2024, 9:11am
My new S1x plus gives 100 km for full charge and not 125 in eco mode.
And 66km in normal mode and not 100km as it shows
8 year battery warranty coming with ola ,it said from company.is that true ? As per your feeding on above ?
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6 sucessfull done also scotter delivered…in app 4 successfully referal showing and warrenty extended not received.
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I refered to my friend, He purchased Ola S1 but I didn’t get any ref award
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