Received Move OS4 Beta Version Update

Me too

Me too yesterday night received moveos4 software update 12-10-2023 in Chennai

Received update just now.

Mee too

Yes got just now

One of the best feature of move os 4 is the real time location tracker


Yes receive still now I am so happy thanks ola

I received beta version. Updating tonight.

I’m not received till now

Me to yesterday night :person_shrugging:

Yes updated successfully… OS4

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How to update moveos 4?

Today upgrade with MoveOS 4

  1. Auto indicator turn off.
  2. Live tracking on maps, set Home location or work location.
  3. Temper detection mode.
  4. Vehicle km record tracker in every mode.
  5. Care screen mode
  6. Concert mode
  7. Overall experience is great
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How it is working

I am not received move os4

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Got move os 4 yesterday one of the best updates so far

Yes received today

Received yesterday night :wink: